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Henderson County, North Carolina

Helping People live Safely and Happily in Their Own Homes

Provider Information as of 2025-01-21

8th Element AVL

38 Rosscraggon Rd Ste B
Asheville, NC 28803
Phone: 828-571-0440
Fax: 828-585-2359

Serving Henderson Co., NC.

Provider’s Statement of Service(s):
8th Element AVL has the only CVAC pod in the region. CVAC stands for Cyclic Variations in Adaptive Conditioning. As you sit comfortable in the pod, an external pump creates constant and rapid changes of pressure, simulating increases and decreases in altitude. This is not the constant pressure of a hyperbaric chamber, but rather a rhythmic stimulation that relaxes the body. The change in barometric pressure signals the body to make more red blood cells and to bring oxygen and healing to the every cell in the body. The CVAC pod reduces inflammation, reduces pain, promotes healing, reduces swelling, supports immunity, and improves mental focus.

Provider is not a registered non-profit.

Category/ies* under which this provider may be found on the website:

Health → Wellness / Self Health Management

Unsubsidized — services for payment.


This provider last reviewed and approved their Aging Projects information on April 20, 2022.

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