Provider Information as of 2025-01-21
Land of Sky Regional Council - Area Agency on Aging — Family Caregiver Support Program Aging Projects, Inc. Partner
339 New Leicester Hwy., Suite 140
Asheville, NC 28806
Phone: 828-251-6622
2nd Phone: 1-800-727-0557
Fax: 828-251-6353
Serving Henderson Co., NC. Also serving: Buncombe, Madison, Transylvania
Provider’s Statement of Service(s):
Provides services for family members or friends who care for a frail older person and to older relatives who are the primary caregivers of someone age 18 or younger. Most services are provided through contracts with other organizations. These services include information to caregivers about available services, assistance to caregivers in gaining access to these services, support groups, training and education to help caregivers in their caregiving roles, and financial assistance for respite care to provide short-term relief from caregiving.
Provider is a Registered Non-Profit.
Licensing/credentialing information given:
Better Business Bureau
Category/ies* under which this provider may be found on the website:
Care → Caregiver Education and Support
Care → Respite → Subsidies / Funding Help
Memory → Caregiver Support and Education
Unsubsidized — services for payment.
Subsidized — services may be free or reduced.
Eligibility questions given: A “Yes” answer may help with eligibility.
1. Is the care recipient over 60? If the care recipient is under 60, does he/she have Alzheimer's Disease or a related dementia?
2. Does the care recipient require help with at least two activities of daily living or have significant memory impairment?
3. Are you a non-parent relative by blood or marriage of a child age 18 or younger who lives with you and whom you are raising, and are you 55 or older?
Then: Click on " Aging Services" on left
This provider last reviewed and approved their Aging Projects information on February 8, 2023.
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