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Henderson County, North Carolina

Helping People live Safely and Happily in Their Own Homes

Provider Information as of 2025-01-21

Cherry Springs Village — Residential Assisted Living

358 Clear Creek Road
Hendersonville, NC 28792
Phone: 828-698-6501
Fax: 828-698-6504

Serving Henderson Co., NC.   Also serving: Nationwide

Provider’s Statement of Service(s):
Cherry Springs Village is a licensed Adult Care Home Community offering 24/7 available assistance with all activities of daily living, as well as medication management. While fostering independence at every opportunity, our staff is available as needed to assist with and/or perform personal care activities. Our kitchen provides three meals daily, as well as between meal snacks throughout the day. We have qualified technicians to administer medications at all times, and the medication administration is reviewed by our consultant RN and pharmacy consultant every month.
We are very privileged to partner with Four Seasons Hospice to provide end-of-life care to our Residents without the need to move them to a different level of care. Cherry Springs Village becomes home to our Residents and we are pleased to honor them with quality care in their home away from home.
Our philosophy is the right level of care at the right time. We are able to offer respite care so caregivers can have a break, as well as long term care services.

Provider is not a registered non-profit.

Licensing/credentialing information given:
    NC Department of Health and Human Services
    Better Business Bureau

Category/ies* under which this provider may be found on the website:

Advocacy / Case Management → Medical / Nursing
Advocacy / Case Management → Social Support
Basic Needs → Nutrition / Food
Basic Needs → Social Needs
Care → Grooming * → Bathing
Care → Grooming * → Hairdressing
Care → Grooming * → Nail Care
Care → Grooming * → [Bundled sets of services including the above services are available]
Care → Home Care Help * → Errands
Care → Home Care Help * → Housekeeping
Care → Home Care Help * → [Bundled sets of services including the above services are available]
Care → Home Health * → Nursing Care
Care → Home Health * → Physical Therapy
Care → Home Health * → [Bundled sets of services including the above services are available]
Care → Personal Care *
Care → Personal Care Supplies * → Diabetic
Care → Personal Care Supplies * → Incontinence
Care → Personal Care Supplies * → Oxygen and Respiration
Care → Personal Care Supplies * → [Bundled sets of services including the above services are available]
Care → Respite → Away From Your Home
Care → Transitions → Assisted Living Facilities
Care → Transitions → Hospice / Palliative Care Facilities
Care → Transitions → Other Congregate Facilities (including Adult/Family Care)
Care → Medications
Care → [Bundled sets of services including the above services marked * are available]
Financial / Insurance → Financial Education
Financial / Insurance → Health-related Financial Issues
Financial / Insurance → Medicare / Medicaid
Financial / Insurance → Money Management
Financial / Insurance → Pay Bills / Balance Checkbook
Health → Assessment for Memory Disorders
Health → Chronic Medical Conditions
Health → Equipment for Chronic Conditions * → Diabetes
Health → Equipment for Chronic Conditions * → Mobility
Health → Geriatric Assessment
Health → Medications *
Health → Pain Management *
Health → Prescription Delivery *
Health → Preventative Services
Health → Wellness / Self Health Management
Memory → Comprehensive Medical Management *
Mental Health → Depression
Mental Health → [Bundled sets of services including the above services marked * are available]
Nutrition / Food → Congregate Meals
Nutrition / Food → Food Supplements
Nutrition / Food → Home Prepared Meals
Physical / Mobility Issues → Appliances / Equipment *
Physical / Mobility Issues → Assessment and Treatment *
Physical / Mobility Issues → Pain Management *
Physical / Mobility Issues → Respiratory Issues *

Unsubsidized — services for payment.

Subsidized — services may be free or reduced.

Eligibility questions given: A “Yes” answer may help with eligibility.

    1. Do you accept Medicaid?

    2. Do you accept private pay until Medicaid is approved?

    3. Does Medicare pay for assisted living?


This provider last reviewed and approved their Aging Projects information on February 8, 2023.

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